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The years following the Second World War saw a change to the face of America in terms of identities and gender roles. This had significant impact on the development of visible homosexual communities across the USA which, over time, led to the preliminary formation of a sense of homosexual identity. On a cultural level, part of this exploration of identity included the emergence of young homosexual writers who used their works to share ideas and analyse their own experience of stigma and its consequences. This book presents a literary study of selected titles from four such writers: Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, James Baldwin and Allen Ginsberg. Not simply a literary review, it explores aspects of queer history as they are revealed through literature, with analysis of the texts presenting an exploration of unique but comparative experience. To expand upon the content of the novels, selected paragraphs of text are related to theoretical works from writers including Michel Foucault, Julia Kristeva, Hal Foster and Sarah Schulman, along with the work of prominent gay rights activist, Harry Hay.

Dawn Amber Harvey

(Un)Natural Desires: Representations of Homosexuals in Post-War American Literature


Tupelo Hassman’s sharp and loving teen girls’ navigation of Traumas, with big and little T’s, is well stocked with tools of mysticism, sparkling humor, and unflinching sexuality. In gods with a little g, she unfolds what Y.A. can be, offering a road map of survival with hope and heart intact.

Tupelo Hassman

gods with a little g

Girlchild: A Novel


iO Tillet Wright has the rare and exquisite gift of peeling back layers of identity and showing how we carry not just our stories but our forebears with us in forming our identities – with none of the usual one-dimensional blaming or hostility.

iO Tillett Wright

Darling Days: A Memoir

Self Evident Truths: 10,000 Portraits of Queer America


Bessel van der Kolk

The Body Keeps the Score:

Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma


Sid Garza-Hillman

Raising Healthy Parents:

Small Steps, Less Stress, and a Thriving Family


Mandy Aftel

Death of a Rolling Stone: The Brian Jones Story

Essence and Alchemy: A Natural History of Perfume

Fragrant: The Secret Life of Scent

Scents and Sensibilities: Creating Solid Perfumes for Well-Being

The Story of Your Life: Becoming the Author of Your Experience

When Talk Is Not Cheap





Levi Asher

Action Poetry: Literary Tribes for the Internet Age

Beats In Time: A Literary Generation’s Legacy

The Cards I’m Playing: Poker and Postmodern Literature

Chiaroscuro: Assorted Literary Essays

The Summer of the Mets

Why Ayn Rand Is Wrong (and Why It Matters)


Mona Awad

13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl

All’s Well




Jo Ann Beard

The Boys of My Youth

In Zanesville



Jennifer Belle

Animal Stackers

Going Down

High Maintenance

Little Stalker

The Seven Year Bitch

Swanna in Love


Steven Blush

American Hair Metal

American Hardcore: A Tribal History (2nd edition)

.45 Dangerous Minds


Peter Bogdanovich

John Ford

The Killing of the Unicorn: Dorothy Stratten, 1960–1980

Movie of the Week

Peter Bogdanovich: Interviews

This Is Orson Welles

Who The Devil Made It

Who The Hell’s In It


Jennifer Finney Boylan

She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders

Stuck in the Middle with You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders


Catherine Burns and The Moth

The Moth: 50 True Stories


Stephanie Burt

The Art of the Sonnet


Close Calls with Nonsense: Reading New Poetry

The Forms of Youth: Twentieth-Century Poetry and Adolescence

Parallel Play

Popular Music

Randall Jarrell and His Age

Randall Jarrell on W.H. Auden


Jade Chang

The Wangs vs. the World


Bill Clegg

Did You Ever Have a Family

The End of the Day

Ninety Days: A Memoir of Recovery

Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man: A Memoir


Sean Thor Conroe



Billy Corgan

Blinking with Fists


Karla Cornejo Villavicencio

The Undocumented Americans


Lori Duron

Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son


Marilyn Easter

Resilience: Bravery in the Face of Racism, Corruption, and Privilege in the Halls of Academia


Dave Eggers

Away We Go: A Screenplay

The Circle

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

A Hologram for the King

How We Are Hungry

It Is Right to Draw Their Fur: Animal Renderings

Short Short Stories

Surviving Justice: America’s Wrongfully Convicted and Exonerated

Teachers Have It Easy: The Big Sacrifices and Small Salaries of America’s Teachers

What Is the What

The Wild Things

You Shall Know Our Velocity



Nathan Englander

Dinner at the Center of the Earth

For the Relief of Unbearable Urges

The Ministry of Special Cases

What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank


Grant Faulkner

All the Comfort Sin Can Provide

Fissures: 100 One-Word Stories

Nothing Short Of: Selected Tales from 100 Word Story

Pep Talks for Writers: 52 Insights and Actions To Boost Your Creative Mojo


Grant Faulkner and Rebecca Stern

Brave the Page: A Young Writer’s Guide to Telling Epic Stories


Alan Feuer

El Jefe: The Stalking of Chapo Guzmán

I Hope You Find Me: The Love Poems of craigslist’s Missed Connections

Over There: From The Bronx To Baghdad


Alan Feuer and Ric Burns

Still New York


Kate Flannery

Strip Tees


Nick Flynn

Another Bullshit Night in Suck City: A Memoir

Blind Huber: Poems

I Will Destroy You: Poems

My Feelings: Poems

The Reenactments: A Memoir

Some Ether: Poems

Stay: Threads, Conversations, Collaborations

This Is the Night Our House Will Catch Fire

The Ticking Is the Bomb


Nicole V. Gagné

Historical Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Classical Music


Sheila Heti

A Garden of Creatures

How Should a Person Be?

The Middle Stories


Pure Colour

Ticknor: A Novel

Women in Clothes


Ron Hogan

Getting Right with Tao

The Stewardess Is Flying the Plane! American Films of the 1970s


Ted Hope

Hope for Film


Michael Imperioli

The Perfume Burned His Eyes


index magazine

index A-Z


Steven Klein

Fotografie: Portfolio

Madonna and Steven Klein: X-STaTIC PRO-CeSS

Stag Film


Christian Lacroix

Christian Lacroix and the Tale of Sleeping Beauty: A Fashion Fairy Tale Memoir

Christian Lacroix on Fashion

Christian Lacroix: The Diary of a Collection

Christian Lacroix: Universe of Fashion

Pieces of a Pattern: Lacroix by Lacroix


Adam Langer

Crossing California

Ellington Boulevard

My Father’s Bonus March

The Film Festival Guide: For Filmmakers, Film Buffs, and Industry Professionals

The Salinger Contract

The Thieves of Manhattan

The Washington Story


Leigh Ledare

Double Bind (with Rhea Anastas)

Leigh Ledare, et al.

Pretend You’re Actually Alive


Gary Lippman

Set the Controls for the Heart of Sharon Tate

We Loved the World but Could Not Stay


Lydia Lunch

The Gun Is Loaded

Incriminating Evidence

The Need to Feed

Paradoxia: A Predator’s Diary

So Real It Hurts

The War Is Never Over: A Companion to the Film by Beth B

Will Work for Drugs

with Exene Cervenka

Adulterers Anonymous


Hilary Mantel

The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher

Beyond Black

A Change of Climate

Eight Months on Ghazzah Street

Every Day Is Mother’s Day

An Experiment in Love


The Giant, O’Brien

Giving Up the Ghost: A Memoir

Learning to Talk

A Place of Greater Safety

Vacant Possession

The Wolf Hall Trilogy:

Bring Up the Bodies

The Mirror & the Light

Wolf Hall


Mary Ellen Mark

An American Odyssey 1963-1999

Extraordinary Child: Disabled Children in Iceland


Falkland Road

Indian Circus

Man and Beast

Mark & Leibovitz

On the Portrait and the Moment


Phaidon 55’s

Photographers at Work: The Photo Essay

Photographs of Mother Teresa’s Missions of Charity in Calcutta



Seen Behind the Scene: 40 Years of Photographing on Set


Tiny, Streetwise Revisited


Ward 81

25 Years


Taiyo Matsumoto/Michael Arias

Sunny, vol. 1

Sunny, vol. 2

Sunny, vol. 3

Sunny, vol. 4

Sunny, vol. 5


Fernanda Melchor

Hurricane Season


Paul Mendez

Rainbow Milk


David Milch

Deadwood: Stories of the Black Hills

Life’s Work: A Memoir

True Blue: The Real Stories Behind “NYPD Blue”


Errol Morris

Believing Is Seeing (Observations on the Mysteries of Photography)

Errol Morris: Interviews

Nonfiction: Photographs by Nubar Alexanian from the Film Sets of Errol Morris

A Wilderness of Error: The Trials of Jeffrey MacDonald


Lindsay Morris

You Are You


Daniel Nicoletta

LGBT San Francisco: The Daniel Nicoletta Photographs

Daniel Nicoletta with Adrian Brooks

Flights of Angels: My Life with the Angels of Light 

Daniel Nicoletta with Harvey Milk

An Archive of Hope


Emi Nietfeld

Acceptance: A Memoir


Lou Reed

Pass Thru Fire: The Collected Lyrics

The Raven


Nathaniel Rich

King Zeno: A Novel

Losing Earth: A Recent History

The Mayor’s Tongue

Odds Against Tomorrow

San Francisco Noir

Second Nature: Scenes from a World Remade


David Sedaris

Barrel Fever

Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim

Holidays on Ice

Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls

 Me Talk Pretty One Day


Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk

When You Are Engulfed in Flames


Kenneth Sherman

Black River

What the Furies Bring

Words for Elephant Man


Brooke Smith

Sunday Matinee


Adam Smyer



Pamela Sneed

Funeral Diva

Imagine Being More Afraid of Freedom than Slavery

Kong and Other Works

Sweet Dreams


Amy Sohn

The Actress


My Old Man

Prospect Park West

Run Catch Kiss

Sex and the City


Joey Solloway

She Wants It: Desire, Power, and Toppling the Patriarchy


Morgan Spurlock

Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope

Don’t Eat This Book

Supersized: Strange Tales from a Fast-Food Culture


Joan Stanford

The Art of Play


John Strausbaugh

Alone with the President

Black Like You: Blackface, Whiteface, Insult & Imitation in American Popular Culture

City of Sedition: The History of New York City During the Civil War

E: Reflections on the Birth of the Elvis Faith

Rock Till You Drop: The Decline from Rebellion to Nostalgia

Sissy Nation: How America Became a Culture of Wimps & Stoopits

Victory City: A History of New York and New Yorkers during World War II

The Village: 400 Years of Beats and Bohemians, Radicals and Rogues


Catherine Texier

After David


Russian Lessons



Wells Tower

Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned


Gus Van Sant

Conversations with Gus Van Sant


One Step Big Shot

108 Portraits



Betony Vernon

The Boudoir Bible: The Uninhibited Sex Guide for Today


Timothy Wang



Brenda Webster

After Auschwitz: A Love Story

The Beheading Game

The Last Good Freudian

Vienna Triangle

Yeats: A Psychoanalytic Study


Irvine Welsh

The Acid House

The Blade Artist

Crime: A Novel

Dead Men’s Trousers

A Decent Ride




If You Liked School, You’ll Love Work

Marabou Stork Nightmares


Reheated Cabbage: Tales of Chemical Degeneration

The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins




Robert Wilson

Einstein on the Beach

Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson from Within



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